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Bookish news and tidbits from around the world 3 Sep 2011

book news Bookish news and tidbits from around the world 3 Sep 2011

Yes, book news is back at long last! Ill try to keep it daily, but the deadlines may pay some role in dictating frequency. Anyway, onward!


The Guardian'has a great article on books to read when youre ill. (Personally, I think one should go with Kafkas Metamorphosis)

and also the trailer for We Need to Talk about Kevin

.and also the Guardian first book longlist

Dorchester goes behind the scenes to give us some office photos

The LA Times'gives us NY Citys bookish hot spots

Independent book shops are shutting their doors in the UK, says the Bookseller'

Tom Percival tells us what he screwed up when working on The Tiny Wife

Solaris Books is looking for subs

SuperLinguo looks at the onomastics of computer servers

Aussie bookseller Dymocks gets in on the publishing game

The Australian'newspaper gets in trouble for pushing for regime change (just for something different)

Spinifex books is getting excited about its e-store

Flavorwire gives us some painful literary breakup lines

The Wheeler Centre looks at writing for the theatre

Tess Gerritson chats about writing, research and seeing her book in print

40k books give us some fascinating insights into publishing trends

My bookish proposal gets syndicated by Blogher

and I do an interview with Jimmy from Free Hollow Books



  1. What a great way to post all the bookish news! I especially loved the LA Times list of NY City's bookish hot spots. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  2. Stephanie /

    My pleasure, Genna! Theres so much going on in the publishing world that I find collating it all into a simple post is the easiest way to keep on top of things. (If you see me favouriting your Twitter posts, thats why!)