News, Reviews, and Musings is a new daily feature. Feel free to chime in, or to tweet/email us if we've missed something that you'd like to see featured.
News and features
A first edition of Orwells 1984 has been found in a charity bin in New South Wales. Thats quite a donation!
Jonathan Franzen misses out at the National Book Awards, but these authors havent.
Amazon has released a new feature called Kindle for the Web.
Dont forget to check out our newest posts: competition round ups, new releases, book reviews, and more!
Cynthia Letich Smith interviews Mindi Scott about her recently released YA novel Freefall.
The Telegraph interviews author Salman Rushdie.
Tall Tales and Short Stories interviews Sophie McKenzie, author of Girl, Missing, and Blood Ties.
Erin at Erin Reads reviews a childhood favourite: The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster.
Carin B reviews Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld as part of a steampunk challenge.
Page Turners Blog reviews Time Riders by Alex Scarrow.
Tori at Book Faery reviews Girl Parts by John M Cusick.
We review Life and Times of Michael K by JM Coetzee.
Fabulous fantasy author Karen Miller chats about the writing process.
Amanda Rutter ponders the changing identity of the bad guy.
Shawn Fury gives us his thoughts on the recent Banned Books Week.
Heres a report from Italys Womens Fiction Festival.
Just for fun
Some light afternoon entertainment:
Author birthdays
Happy birthday Gunter Grass and Oscar Wilde!
Quote of the Day
What literature can and should do is change the people who teach the people who dont read the books A S Byatt
Beautiful book cover of the day
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