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News and features
Today is the day of the Green Books Campaign, a programme run by Eco-Libris to promote awareness of eco-friendly publishing. As part of the programme, over 200 bloggers and reviewers (including me!) have reviewed books printed on recycled or FSG-friendly paper. Please support the programme by visiting the Eco-Libris website, and by reading and commenting on bloggers reviews.
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The Guardian has a Q&A with David Mitchell, and also chats to new SF darling Hannu Rajaniemi
Tall Tales and Short Stories interviews author Gillian Philip, author of Fireband.
We review The Last Whale by Chris Pash as part of the Eco-Libris campaign.
Dear Author reviews When Harry Met Molly by Kiernan Kramer
Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books reviews A Buffalopes Tale by Philip Caveney.
Author Lauren Willig chats about Writing Jane Austen at the History Hoydens Blog
Shelley Rae at Booked out ponders hiked up eBook rates in the Australian market.
David Sooby muses on the characters in Larry Nivens sci-fi classic Ringworld.
Larry at OfBlog muses on Amazon sales figures.
Tim Dunlop muses on the perceived inferiority of online writing.
Just for fun
This is my kind of MacBook cover!
Author birthdays
Happy birthday Dostoyevsky, Kurt Vonnegut, Carloes Fuentes, and Mary Gaitskill! (Phew, what a list!)
Quote of the Day
Thanks to those who have supported Read in a Single Sitting by doing their Amazon shopping using our affiliate link!

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