News, Reviews, and Musings is a new daily feature. Feel free to chime in, or to tweet/email us if we've missed something that you'd like to see featured.
News and features
Orbit books has announced a new eBook promotion.
Gabriel Garcia Marquezs speeches will be published later this month by Italian publisher Mondadori.
Human rights activist Liu Xiaobo has been awarded this years Nobel Peace Prize.
The current edition of Papertigers features literature from India and the Indian diaspora.
Dont forget to check out our newest posts: competition round ups, new releases, book reviews, and more!
Jay Tomio interviews Ian Cameron Esslemont, author of the forthcoming Return of the Crimson Guard.
Adventures in Sci Fi publishing chats to Kij Johnson.
Megs at Literary Life'gives us a review of The Three Loves of Persimmon by Cassandra Golds, a book that includes not only a talking mouse, but a talking ornamental cabbage.
Charlotte at Charlottes Library reviews Wolven by Di Toft, a sort of reverse-werewolf tale.
Metro looks at Colm Toibins The Empty Family, calling it complex and oddly beautiful.
Katie McAlister shows us the Japanese cover for one of her books, and comments on the, erm, minimalist approach to cover art taken by one UK publisher.
Larry at OfBlog gives us his thoughts about Mario Vargas Llosas winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Over at the Novel Thoughts blog author Saundra Mitchell tells us about an encounter with a banned book.
On the Book Show, Laura Miller shares her thoughts on the present tense and authorial indecision.
Just for fun
Check out JK Rowlings approach to plotting.
Author birthdays
Happy birthday, Harold Pinter!
Quote of the Day
Breathe-in experience, breathe-out poetry. -Muriel Rukeyser
Beautiful book cover of the day

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