Writing is always a political actbit.ly/qJGuKT
A Brief History of the Emoticon
Love and Capital: Karl Marx's Marriage Was Decidedly Not Marxian'http://ow.ly/6AU1a
Alexandra Adornetto, author of the Halo trilogy, answers Ten Terrifying Questions'wp.me/pvM5p-4Vy
Congratulations to the authors and publishers shortlisted for this years Colin Roderick Award:bit.ly/qv06mU
Facebook to Introduce a 'Read' Button
What PW learned from 5 million books (Video)bit.ly/oSgKil
What no Aristophanes? Guardian readers respond to Madeline Millers top 10 classical booksgu.com/p/323kq/tw
Its hard to write well about sex'gu.com/p/323nc/tw
How to prepare your kindle text for print edition:bit.ly/mS8VdZ
Report on E-book Statistics from Aptara
Supporting an industry in transformation, with Len Vlahos, Executive Director, BISGbit.ly/pFiBYU
The number of Americans using an ebook reader has doubled in the last twelve months'bit.ly/qEhpw8
Kid Lit Con: Cool Resources: bit.ly/nV5EqR
Book banning: What happens in your country?nblo.gs/nnuPo
Here are some ways to celebrate Banned Books Week, which kicks off this Saturday:'http://ow.ly/6AYA6
Peirene Presss Horror Short-Story competition is now open. Judge: Guardian critic Nick Lezard
Notes from a field trip to the Brooklyn Book Festival'bit.ly/pqqNxp
A Visual Representation of The Alphabet bit.ly/pdUgNJ
Literary Characters Who Would Be Best Friends in Real Life'bit.ly/p6Sffq
RIASS stuff:
Giveaway: The Vatican's Secret Cabinet by Daniel Pearlman
A roundup of book giveaways 19 September 2011
Book Review: The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

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