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News and features
The Australian Writers Marketplace has posted a list of great industry blogs.
Literary journal Overland has posted a subscriptions call.
Galleycat is reporting that 300 letters by Vladimir Nabokov are to be published next year.
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Cynthia Leitich Smith interviews Sandy Fussell about her novel White Crane.
Rick Kleffel interviews Adam Levin, author of The Instructions.
Former Meanjin editor Jim Davidson gives a lecture commemorating the journals 70th birthday.
The Australian Literature Review looks at Full Dark No Stars by Stephen King.
David Hebbelthwaite reviews Room by Emma Donoghue and Forgetting Zoe by Ray Robinson.
Reading Teen reviews The Storm Thief by Chris Wooding.
The NY Review of Books blog muses on'how Google can save Americas books.
Sophie Cunningham ponders whether writing is evolving.
Sharmila Sen muses on literary translation.
Just for fun
Heres a fabulous solution to book storage (and one in which I might need to invest)
Author birthdays
Happy birthday, Federik Pohl and Eugene Ionescu!
Quote of the day
Magic, like technology, is a tool. Mercedes Lackey
Beautiful book cover of the day:
Thanks to those who have supported Read in a Single Sitting by doing their Amazon shopping using our affiliate link!

That book cover always drove me nuts when I worked in a bookstore because the titles not on it! Whenever it was faced out on the shelf, you couldnt see the title.
Erin recently posted..Books for Your Ears- Classics
Did customers ever ask for that book with the guy and the punctuation?
I think theres a version that does have the title on it, but the compositions not as striking as this one.
(My pet hate when it comes to cover design is dark-coloured foiling on a black background. Impossible to read. Also novels that say something like Title: a novel).