The winners for our The Sky is Everywhere competition have now been drawn. The lucky entrants are:
Grand prize winner (a copy of the book, a t-shirt, and a notepad): Bron
Other prize winners (a copy of the book each): Joan, Kat Apel, and Lauren.
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who took the time to enter!
Seventeen-year-old Lennie Walker spends her time tucked safely and happily in the shadow of her fiery older sister, Bailey. But when Bailey dies abruptly, Lennie is catapulted to centre stage of her own life and, despite her nonexistent history with boys, suddenly finds herself struggling to balance two. Toby was Baileys boyfriend; his grief mirrors Lennies own. Joe is the new boy in town, with a nearly magical grin. One boy takes Lennie out of her sorrow, the other comforts her in it. But the two cant collide without Lennies world exploding'
If you have any interest at all in young adult literature, youve no doubt heard of Jandy Nelsons debut novel The Sky is Everywhere, which set the publishing world abuzz upon publication. And rightly so, for as we said yesterday in our review, its an ambitious, moving read that deals thoughtfully with grief, love, and finding ones place in the world. The book itself is also one of the most exquisitely designed weve come across all year, and the simple act of reading it is an adventure. Given all this, were delighted to be able to tell you that the fabulous Walker Books Australia has generously offered four copies of this stunning volume to give away to our readers. One grand prize winner will also win a branded t-shirt and notebook in addition to their copy of The Sky is Everywherequite a spiffy haul indeed!
Heres what wed like you to do in return. Check out the stunning video below (warning, it may give you chills!), and in the comments tell us what you think the author means by the sky is everywhere. There are no wrong answerswere just a bit nosy by nature, and would love to hear your interpretation of the books title. Still, truly fabulous answers will help brighten up our day! If you need a little bit of inspiration, reading our review may help. Alternatively, you can view a chapter sample here.
And if youre feeling particularly sociable, you may also wish to go and visit Walker Books Australias website, or say hello to them on'Facebook and on Twitter. Theyre a friendly lot, so never fear!
And some small print before we get on with the show:
The competition is open to residents of Australia and New Zealand, and will close on Friday the 8th of October. Only one entry is allowable per person. Winners will be drawn randomly. Please leave an email address so that we can contact you if youre a winner.
And now, without further ado (yes, theres been quite a bit of ado, so sorry about that), heres the gorgeous trailer in question:

so appropriate answer???
This is my third attempt at a great answer but everything i type sounds trite you know, light at the end of the tunnel, life always goes on even when things are at their worst, you will survive and
so honestly i have no real idea of what it means lol
I think that the title is just saying the most obvious answer the sky is everywhere and were looking at it but sometimes we dont appreciate it enough.
Umi actually dont have an idea about what the title means apart from the fact that i feel im in a dreamy state, far far away from reality
Wow..the video looks amazing.
What it means to me? Probably that life has its moments, and sometimes we just have to step back, relax and see the bigger picture.
Probably is stating the obvious but i guess we are so busy nowadays that we rarely notice features like the sky..
I think its saying the worlds the limit. Yes, the sky is actually everywhere but we can alter it and colour it to make things like rainbows come out.
I think the Sky is Everywhere refers to the infinite possibilities in life around us because the sky is the limit but the sky is infinite. Make sense?? Lol
I have no idea what she means! But Im so curios after watching the trailer that I want to read the book, so Im going to thinking of something and write it. Maybe the sky is like boys there are so many of them there and sometimes you dont notice them
I would say its a little bit like lifeits everywhere and it doesnt matter if you try to hide from it for a while, it is inescapable and must be dealt with; must be confronted. Omnipresent.
The sky is everywhere there is no limit. The sky isnt enough to say that it is the end, that you have reached the best you can. Its watching over you, in times of betrayal, sadness, grief. Its everywhere, and will always be there, theres no mistaking it.
Perhaps because the sky can be therapeutic to look at (relaxing, perspective inducing) its a reminder that we always have that with us
Just a note that we posted about this at Winning Readings:
Hmm, I like that song.
The sky is everywhere its all encompassing perhaps a metaphore for life. Not sure, now I want to read the book!
Looking at the sky makes me feel small, and the death of someone close to you makes everyday life seem insignificant. The title of this book reminds me of these things
If you say the sky is everywhere really quickly, it sounds a bit like you are saying this guy is everywhere in a New Zealand accent. Maybe Jandy is from NZ.
From the ground, the sky seems solid and tactile, a beautiful thing we long to touch, but one too far away and impossible to reach. But in fact, that distant surface behind the clouds and stars is no different to the very air that surrounds and sustains us. We don't need to reach for the sky: the sky is everywhere, we just need to notice it.
I think it may have something to do with healing and hope. There are snippets of writing/images that show the blackness. But the sky is everywhere even over the depths of our grief and despair. Mostly the colours are so vivid and blue refreshing, revitalising Which to me indicates the hope of the story.
And I guess too, it could be showing that the love she finds is everywhere. That quote about the architecture gives a sense of soulmate eternal an ever-present-on-your-mind-and-on-your-side kind of love.
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I think The Sky is Everywhere means that the sky is all-knowing, some entity within the sky that looks on to the actions of all of us. Even if there is something going wrong, the sky is everywhere, watching, waiting for something to happen.
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The Sky is Everywhere is it is a constant, no matter what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow, you are guaranteed that you can depend on it. So be free to experience life knowing no matter what mistakes you make, the Henny Penny affect wont happen.