RIASS news:
A review of'Trash'by Andy Mulligan: an ultimately uplifting novel in the vein of'Millions'and'Holes
Have you ever bought a book because another author has blurbed it?
RIASS will be participating in the forthcoming Lori Foster blog tour. You can'check out the other participants here.
I have a whole bunch of bookish quote print-outs (designed in spiffy Art Deco style) left over from my wedding, so if you'd like one, just email your address details to readinasinglesitting@gmail.com and I'll post one out to you!
Other bookish stuff:
Are you a library or a press?'University presses are generally expected to support themselves by sales of books (and sometimes journals), so their decisions about what to publish are at least in part based on market considerations. Library publishing programs, generally speaking, do not have to cover the costs of their publishing ventures in the same way. As a result, university libraries have more leeway to publish as a service rather than a business, by, for example, providing a repository for their institution's research, or hosting space for online journals for their faculty.
An interview with the lovely Favel Parrett:'[Surfing] clears the mind enough to let connections in the writing become clear. The web is made clear in those moments the joining of themes and ideas. A magic thing happens.''(see also our interview with Favel)
An interview with Lincoln Pierce, author of the Big Nate books:'I was so fascinated that there was this secret way that cartoonists had come up with to say something very specific without really saying it.
Melissa Forster talks book clubs
The programme for the Sydney writers festival has been announced
Wearable books
Bronze Lorax stolen from Dr Seusss San Diego estate
Title trends: The ________s Daughter
Kate Forsyth has started a blog. I love this post of handy-dandy writing tips.
Amazon is getting biggerand bigger
The content of their characters: The Hunger Games'and racism
Should kids reading be monitored?
Five fairytale retellings coming to cinemas soon
Free spec fic short fiction
The Carnegie shortlist has been announced:
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