If you havent already done so take a look at the Irish Book Awards Voting page'j.mp/cyRyoR
The Andromeda Strain'by'Sergio Pistoi, Ph.D.'from'The Science of Michael Crichtontinyurl.com/3nedvrg
[My novels] generally have a single-sentence heart, as long as you can use a semi-colon Nick Harkaway'bit.ly/tWXYJc
5 spellbinding novels for the season of the witchon.today.com/tC24c8
David Nickle writes of the deep terror of those that dwell deeply:'dld.bz/awpvD
Profanity is making a splash in book titles'usat.ly/uKAQIw
New Steampunk! anthology from Kelly Link and Gavin Grant challenges the rules 'sns.mx/VFgoy5
Simon Haynes Asks: Where Has All The Junior Science Fiction Gone?bit.ly/s9JH2F
Some fantastic examples of visual storytellingj.mp/v920nL
Publishers Weekly article on mommy bloggers and book publishers
The Age Short Story Competition is now accepting entries.
Interview with Queenie Chan, Australian manga artist!bit.ly/tZ6YNt
Fiction Affliction details the 25 new urban fantasy titles coming in November:'dld.bz/awpus
Lonely Planet looks to digital publishing
Don't trust Amazon on book news: A cautionary tale'clubjade.net/?p=31622
Why is Cover Design Important?'nblo.gs/p3A2R
Authors ranked by beard weight:'pen.gy/vhmN7n
Interesting news for fans of Kim Harrison and Cynthia Hand'bit.ly/rUTxyQ
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Bookish news and publishing tidbits 28 October 2011 | Lonely Planet, Amazon and Nick Harkaway http://t.co/hXtChF1B