New or experienced writer of any medium? Apply for the Ian Reed Foundation Fellowship & be an artist-in-residence'
I lost my literary agent and Id like to give you the whole story
100 Beautiful and Ugly Words'
Why Ill Never Say a Book is Crap'
15 Most Hilarious Author Quotes'
Exclusive news and previews on the official Galaxy National Book Awards 2011 App now live!
Some fantastic examples of visual
If anyone can publish a book, has the quality of writing plummeted? State your opinion
Author MJ Rose talks about fan fiction and her new book, In Session
Graphic Novelist Alex de Campi Uses Kickstarter to Sell Print, Film and Foreign Rights'
Who would you like to see write genre fiction?
Scribe is cutting book prices by moving to B+ format paperbacks in 2012
Can a book go viral?'
Which Writer Will Make It? The author litmus test'
The Melbourne Writers Festival is looking for a program manager:'
Interview and giveaway with Tanya Huff
Author interview with Erin Bow
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Bookish news and publishing tidbits 27 October 2011