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News and features
A Harry Potter first edition valued at around $9k has been stolen from the pottery section of an art gallery.
The Young Australian Best Books of the Year have been announced.
Apparently George W Bush has a bit to learn about fair use and attribution.
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Jan OHara interviews Cindy Pon and Schveta Thakrar about writing across cultural boundaries.
Amy Brecount White interviews Kristina McBride.
Word puzzle king David Astle talks at the Wheeler Centre.
We review Fury by Shirley Marr.
Anna Vivian reviews Songs of Love and Death, edited by George RR Martin and Gardner Dozois.
Bookgasm reviews The Fall, the sequel to the bestselling novel by Chuck Hogan and Guillermo Del Toro, The Strain.
Charles Tan reviews Glitter Rose by Marianne de Pierres.
Android Apps reviews the Laputa book app.
What are your top five reasons for reading?
Floor to Ceiling books muses on formidable female protagonists.
Why do book publishers love series so?
The Guardian gives us the best angels in literature.
The Atlantic explores the Google Books algorithm.
Just for fun
Heres an interesting bookshelf, but not sure it would hold all of my books! (Via Penguin Australia)
Author birthdays
Happy birthday, Jose Saramago!
Quote of the day
We have always learned about life by dramatising our questions. -Celia Brayfield
Beautiful book cover of the day:
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Interesting shelves for sure certainly wouldnt hold all of mine either ;)
Perhaps if we used them as fencing for a farm? No, even then. I could probably build a whole house out of my books!