RIASS stuff:
A guest post from Nelle Davy on the publishing process
A feature on high concept novels and their shortcomings
Coming up: a review of'The Legacy of Eden'by Nelle Davy'and an interview with Alison Skate, author of Ambush Proposals.
If youre not following us on Facebook or Pinterest, (or even email subscription) ask yourself why. Yes, feel that guilt.
Other bookish stuff:
Not bookish, but beautiful: bonsai treehouses
Aussie readers: want to win a high tea courtesy of the new Phryne Fisher TV show?
Are you up for a romance reading challenge?
Twenty nights of queer literature
Childrens lit is going multi-modal, multi-national, multi-, well, everything
Great post on what makes dystopian fiction
Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature 2012 Shortlists Announced
Lemony Snicket and the awesome marketing campaign'(and yes, getting this email totally made my day)
The Victorian State Library will be featuring an exhibition of''70 rare 13th- to 18th-century illustrated manuscripts and miniatures from the Bodleian Libraries in March. And theyre also running a'Childrens Book Festival.
Jessica Shirvingtons Embrace'is getting a huge push in the US. (See our Jessica Shirvington reviews here)
Dressing Up an E-Reader for Style and Comfort
Novels that feature older women as protagonists
Fiona McIntosh talks about her new book'The Lavender Keeper
Interview with author Nicola Moriarty''(stay tuned for our review of Nicolas debut)
The mysterious affair of how Agatha Christie is teaching foreigners English
E-books Cant Burn'(but be careful: ereaders may melt)
Jane Austen-themed books:

I think that Bonsai might be the coolest thing Ive seen, ever!
Thanks for sharing!
Michael Earp recently posted..The Lion And The Mouse by Jerry Pinkney
Thanks for the link, Im glad you enjoyed the Bonsai Trees!
Jami Zehr recently posted..Disney Prom