Bookish news and publishing tidbits 16 September 2011

book news Bookish news and publishing tidbits 16 September 2011

Eight year old boy who took part in librarys summer reading campaign threatened with debt collectors for overdue book

What professional reviewers can learn from book bloggers

Philippa Gregory to write YA series for S&S'

Understanding Dostoyevsky Courtesy of Woody Allen

Whitcoulls withdraws from NZ bookscan

Joanna Stampfel-Volpe responds to a recent PW article on LGBTQ YA

Shelley Rae from BookdOut discusses how book blogging has changed the way she reads

Goodreads Launches Recommendation Engine Analyzing 20 Billion Data Points

Using social media to publicise academic research'

Political Authority in YA'Fantasy'

TypeTalk: Take the Three-Letter Approach to Kerning'

Favel Parretts beautiful reading of her own work at Varunas

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Interview with'author Simon Garfield'on the history of typography'

Suvudu has an interview with Night Circus author Erin Morgenstern:'

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