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Cynthia Leitich Smith talks to James Klise about his novel Love Drugged
Mostly Reading YA interviews RM Doyon
Locus chats to Greg Van Eekhout
We review'The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery (please do read this bookits simply delightful)
Chicklit Plus reviews Call Me Mrs Miracle by Debbie Macomber
The Perpetual Page Turner reviews And Never Let me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Book Chic reviews Freefall by Mindy Scott
The Perptual Page Turner muses on accepting self-published books for review.
Adam at Roof Beam Reader gives us his top 10 literary villains.
Amanda Rutter wants to know when cliche became a naughty word.
Just for fun
The Gospel Coalition wants to know all about the books you wish existed, but that dont.
Author birthdays
Happy birthday, 'Don Delilo!
Quote of the day
Action is character. F Scott Fitzgerald (agreed!)
Beautiful book cover of the day:
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Thanks for including a link to my review!! Youre too sweet!
BookChic recently posted..Fresh New Voice of YA- Freefall by Mindi Scott
My pleasure