List: Indigenous Australian authors

I was reflecting today how poorly read I am when it comes not only to Australian literature, but literature by Indigenous Australians in particular, and thought it might be a good idea to put together a list of fiction by Indigenous Australians to help bridge this gap in my knowledge. As always, the list below is in no way exhaustive, and Id love any suggestions for books and authors to add.


Alexis Wright (1950-):''a land-rights activist and winner of the Miles Franklin award for her novel Carpentaria. Also known for her novel Plains of Promise.

Best known for:

carpentaria alexis wright List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Kim Scott (1950-): An English teacher and writer, and the first Indigenous Australian to win the Miles Franklin award (Benang, 2000). Other works include True Country, Kayang and Me (with Hazel Brown), and That'Deadman Dance.

Best Known for:

benang kim scott List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Larissa Behrendt (1969-): A lawyer, academic, writer, and novelist.

Best known for:

home behrendt List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Philip McLaren (1943-): author, speaker, lecturer, freelance television product and winner of the David Unaipon Award. Author of Scream Black Murder, Sweet Water, Stolen Land, and Therell be New Dreams.

Best known for:

scream black murder mclaren List: Indigenous Australian authors


Sam Watson (1952-): activist, politician, and novelist. Author of The Kadaitcha Sung.

Best known for:

kadaitcha sung watson List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Terri Janke: lawyer, writer, poet, and novelist. Author of Butterfly Song.

Best known for:

butterfly song janke List: Indigenous Australian authors


Bruce Pascoe (1947-): schoolteacher, editor, writer, language activist, and novelist. Best known for Shark; also author of Earth, Ocean, and Convincing Ground.

shark pascoe List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Jared Thomas (1976-): academic, playwright, novelist. Best known for Sweet Guy.

sweet guy jared thomas List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Archie Weller (1957-): novelist, writer, playwright. Best known for Day of the Dog. Other books include Going Home, Land of the Golden Clouds, and The Window Seat and Other Stories.

day of the dog weller List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Doris Pilkington Garimara (1937-): author best known for Follow the'Rabbit Proof Fence, which was made into the film Rabbit Proof Fence. Also known for Under the Wintamarra Tree and Caprice, a Stockmans Daughter.

Best known for:

rabbit proof fence pilkington List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Boori Pryor (1950-): performer, speaker, and author of Maybe Tomorrow, Flytrap, Njunjul the Sun, and Riding the Black Cockatoo.

Best known for:

maybe tomorrow boori pryor List: Indigenous Australian authors________________________________________

Sally Morgan (1951-): dramatist, artist, and author of'My Place, which has won the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission humanitarian award and the Order of Australia Book Prize. Other books include Wanamurraganya, and a number of illustrated works.

Best known for:

my place sally morgan List: Indigenous Australian authors

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