News, Reviews, and Musings is a new daily feature. Feel free to chime in, or to'tweet/email us if we've missed something that you'd like to see featured.
News and features
Dan Farley will step down from his role as president and publishers at Macmillan Childrens, reports Publishers Weekly. Farley has been in the role since 2008.
The first book in Rick Riordans new Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus, may still be under embargo, but theres plenty of exciting gossip to be had about the books. Check out this post for some Riordan and Percy news, and to sign up for a virtual Rick Riordan event.
The first enhanced ebook has been rolled out in France by publisher Editions Eyrolls, reports Before you leap to purchase a copy, though, note that its an instruction manual for Photoshop, and probably not too high up on the reading lists of most people.
The Guardian has announced the shortlist for its childrens fiction prize. The titles include Ghost Hunter, The Ogre of Oglefort, Unhooking the Moon, and Now.
The Kids Capers blog over at Boomerang Books has a great interview with author Sandy Fussell. Her tips for wannabe writers? Read lots, and read widely.
Page Love Books chats with author Chris Womersley about his latest novel Bereft, and about the day-to-day demands of a writing career.
Booker Winner Hilary Mantel reflects on the difference winning the famous prize has made to her career, and how her favourite consolation prize of all time was being offered the chance to pat a guinea pig. Aww.
Kit Bacon-Gressit notes that the latest Immortals spinoff, about the kid sister of Immortals progatonist Evers Bloom,'is targeted at the tween market rather than YA, but that its not a bad effort at all.
Maggie Rainey-Smith reviews Villa Pacifica by Kapka Kassabova, which blew her away.
As part of our recent dystopian run, we review Fahrenheit 451. You can also check out our recent review of The Chysalids and Brave New World.
Penguin editor David Winder muses on recent efforts to make philosophy popular with the massesbut not in a negative way, as these efforts have, after all, done wonderful things for both Penguin, and for readers. Hooray for Penguins Great Ideas series!
Michael White, author of The Art of Murder, reflects on the loneliness of being a writer. Fortunately, its an issue that tends only to grab him when hes stuck or between stretches of work.
Just for fun
Check out this interesting version of Girl with a Pearl Earring.
Author birthdays
Happy birthday Rosamunde Pilcher!
Quote of the Day
The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame.-Oscar Wilde
Beautiful book cover of the day
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